2. Airbag Module

How long should I wait after disconnecting the battery before starting work on the (ACM) Airbag Control Module or airbags?

When working on the Airbag Control Module (ACM) or any component of the airbag system, safety is paramount. Airbags can cause severe injury if accidentally deployed.
After disconnecting the battery, it's commonly recommended to wait at least 5 to 10 minutes before beginning work on the ACM or any airbag components. This waiting period allows any residual energy in the system to dissipate, reducing the risk of accidental deployment.
However, it's crucial to note the following:
  1. Always refer to the specific vehicle's service manual: Different manufacturers or models might have different recommendations. It's crucial to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for the specific vehicle you are working on.
  2. Disconnect both battery terminals: Start by disconnecting the negative terminal first, then the positive. This ensures the system is entirely isolated.
  3. Stay safe: Even after taking precautions, always handle airbag components with care. Avoid placing them face down, and never expose them to excessive heat or electrical charges.
  4. Consider the capacitor discharge: The waiting period is primarily to allow the capacitors in the airbag system to discharge fully. Even with the battery disconnected, these capacitors can still hold enough charge to deploy an airbag.
  5. Be aware of other energy sources: Some vehicles may have backup power sources for the airbag system. Always ensure you're familiar with the vehicle's setup before working on it.
In summary, while waiting 5 to 10 minutes after disconnecting the battery is a general guideline, always consult the specific vehicle's service manual for the most accurate and safest instructions. If you're unsure or feel uncomfortable working on airbag systems, it's always best to seek professional assistance.