What if my part is good and does not need repair?

A full diagnostic check should first be performed to eliminate all other possible causes for your symptoms, even if the symptoms match those specified on the common fault description.


Since some issues may only occur intermittently or can only be diagnosed while the module is installed in a functioning vehicle, there is no guarantee that a faulty module will show any issues during our testing process. If no faults are detected, our technicians will provide you with recommendations based on the symptoms you described. Depending on the situation, these recommendations may involve additional costs. You can then choose to proceed with the recommended solution or have the part returned to you without any further service. If you opt to have the module shipped back without service, we will refund the service cost minus a $39.99 test fee.


If you send a unit in good working condition due to misdiagnosis, and our testing determines that there are no issues or faults with the unit, or if the part is beyond repair, then you will only be responsible for the shipping costs and a test fee of $39.99 may be applied.

Please note that shipping costs cannot be refunded.

IMPORTANT! If you are not sure that this part is the cause of the fault then we recommend that you do not go ahead with this purchase and instead seek further professional advice and diagnosis.